Tribal Liaison Program

What is the Tribal Liaison Program (TLP)?

The Tribal Liaison Program (TLP) helps ensure Alaska Native Tribes are influential in guiding development of the Ambler Access Project (AAP). Tribal liaisons (TLs) serve as an important voice for issues affecting archaeological sites, historic use areas, and culturally significant places. TLs help project developers understand the cultural or historical significance of artifacts or sites, while also sharing information about the project with their home communities. The AAP is actively collaborating with tribes to build a robust and meaningful program. The overall goal of the TLP is for tribal entities to participate in and contribute to the project’s ongoing cultural resources management activities. 691 acres were surveyed in 2021 and 516 acres in 2022. In 2023, TLs will continue to support cultural surveys and provide expertise which will help shape the design of the project. The TLP helps ensure Alaska Native Tribes are influential in guiding development of the Ambler Access Project (AAP). Tribal liaisons (TLs) serve as an important voice for issues affecting archaeological sites, historic use areas, and culturally significant places. TLs help project developers understand the cultural or historical significance of artifacts or sites, while also sharing information about the project with their home communities. The Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority (AIDEA) is actively collaborating with tribes to build a robust and meaningful program. The overall goal of the TLP is to create multiple roles, both field and community based, for tribal entities to participate in and contribute to the project’s ongoing cultural resources management activities. During the 2021 Field Season, 39 of the 59 cultural resource study areas and approximately 691 acres were surveyed. Throughout the 2022 field season, TLs will continue to support cultural surveys and provide expertise which will help shape the initial design of the project.

Type of TLP and Local Hire Positions

Field-Based TLs provide support to the archaeological and cultural survey field teams as they continue pedestrian surveys, testing, and documentation of identified cultural resources.

Community Engagement

People with cultural and traditional knowledge are key to a successful cultural resources management program. TLs that participate in this program are the link between the past and present, supporting both the field activities for the survey of the proposed road corridor for potential archaeological resources and providing input to the project team for specific survey focus areas and the interpretation of any discovered resources or artifacts.

TLs participate in Community engagement, sharing information and transferring knowledge to the project.. TLs also help communicate general project information with their fellow community members.


Contact Eva Sheldon
(907) 250-7025